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Check Out the New Sizzle Reel for O3DE

30 May, 2024 | 1 min read

There’s a brand new sizzle reel out showcasing the amazing capabilities of O3DE.

One of the primary goals of this sizzle reel was to highlight the endless possibilities that come with O3DE. Whether you’re a game developer or a simulation expert, O3DE has got you covered.

This reel is a balanced representation of both games and simulations. We wanted to showcase the versatility of O3DE, demonstrating how it can be used across a wide range of projects. From immersive gaming experiences to cutting-edge simulations, O3DE empowers creators to bring their visions to life.

So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of O3DE and unleash your creativity! Download the engine and join the community

Stay tuned for more exciting updates and developments from the O3DE community.[/vc_column_text]

About the Open 3D Foundation (O3DF):

The Open 3D Foundation (O3DF) is a collaborative community of industry leaders dedicated to advancing open-source 3D technology. The Foundation is home to the Open 3D Engine (O3DE) and aims to foster 3D visualization and simulation innovation across industries. 

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