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Robotics and Simulations

Game engines—or more generally, interactive 3D engines—have become broadly applicable across a multitude of industries and applications, including robotics and simulations.

Initially forged from a mission to create the Linux of robots, the Robot Operating System (ROS) has become arguably the most important standard in robotics today, used by over 740 companies, including NASA’s VIPER mission to the moon. ROS witnessed a 17% increase in adoption over the last year, and ROS 2 represents nearly half of this growth.

Roboticists looking for an open source simulator are increasingly embracing O3DE for their unique needs. In addition to offering the deepest integration with ROS 2, O3DE brings advanced rendering, scalability for large simulations, modularity for various use cases, and quick prototyping, along with support from a thriving community and comprehensive documentation and tutorials. 


O3DE’s real-time rendering capabilities and advanced physics system make it a choice tool for robotics developers, with the ability to render immersive environments, and simulate lifelike robotic behavior and interactions.


The ability to run robotic simulations quickly, particularly in real time, is important in simulating large environments, a multitude of robots, or sensors that produce massive amounts of data. O3DE scales to meet the needs of modern robotic simulations that require ever-increasing complexity and fidelity, including multi-robot simulations. A recent demo from Robotec.ai shows a large warehouse environment with 36 simulated UR20 robots and various AMRs, running on a single NVIDIA RTX 3080 and Intel Core i7.


With O3DE’s unique, modular architecture, you can consume only what you need and easily customize the engine using GemsGems are modules that contain libraries with standard interfaces and assets. Most systems in O3DE are contained in Gems, so you can pick and choose which functionality to include in your project based on your specific requirements. Using Gems, you can add custom functionality, or further extend the engine.

“With O3DE, you have the modularity and configurability to select exactly what you need … where you can enable and disable different aspects of the simulator for your use case.” —Lars Gleim, Senior Research Engineer, Huawei


Due to its novel, modular framework, O3DE can be adapted for a broad range of robotics and simulation use cases. The O3DE ROS 2 Gem integrates O3DE with the Robot Operating System (ROS), and contains a number of components to build robotic simulations:

  • Sensors: 2D and 3D lidar, RGBD camera, IMU, Wheel Odometry, GNSS, Contact.
  • Control components for mobile bases (Differential drive and Ackermann Steering) as well as for manipulator arms (Including Joint Trajectory action server) and finger and vacuum grippers.
  • Utilities including the Robot Importer, components for dynamic spawning, simulation clock and transforms.

In addition, the O3DE RGL Gem provides GPU-accelerated Lidar simulation for 30x faster performance.


Robotics developers have significantly diverse feature set requirements and implementation trade-offs. O3DE’s deep integration with ROS enables them to address these varied requirements while streamlining development.

“O3DE has what I consider to be the best kind of ROS integration, in the sense that we write ROS 2 code in the simulator. So, we can use all the packages directly without any bridges, which impacts performance and enables us to communicate directly to the ROS ecosystem and record data efficiently.” —Adam Dąbrowski, VP of Robotics and Simulations, Robotec.ai


Because O3DE is an open source 3D engine, freely available on GitHub, it is especially attractive for those who want to commercialize their robotics projects without restrictive licensing fees. Free to use, O3DE significantly reduces project and development costs, offering more flexible allocation of resources, and enabling investments in other critical aspects of robotics development. This financial freedom fosters innovation and accelerates progress in the field of robotics.


O3DE is a powerful tool for creating 3D environments and simulations, allowing for quick, lifelike prototyping of robotic systems. In O3DE, you can create entities with the White Box component, using its edit functionality to rapidly sketch 3D assets to serve as building blocks for a level.

“It was very good to prototype a robotic simulation quickly with O3DE and ROS 2, and we were even surprised at how little effort it took to produce something beautiful that tells a story. To ramp up and build something on it took us just one week. Of course, we are quite experienced doing that. But I think in terms of what we accomplished in just one week, it was pretty impressive.” —Adam Dąbrowski, VP of Robotics and Simulations, Robotec.ai


Open-source Simulation for Robotics with O3DE

How to Start Your First Simulation Project in O3DE

The Future of Robotics is Open

Unlocking Robotics Advancements

Running High-Fidelity O3DE Simulations in AWS RoboMaker

Accelerating Robotic Innovation...Part III

Accelerating Robotic Innovation...Part II

Accelerating Robotic Innovation...Part I

Open 3D Engine Sees Momentum Across Robotics Industry

Simulate LIDARs on GPU with Open 3D Engine


The vitality and evolution of O3DE is due to the generous contributions and support of our community. Within our community, O3DE Special Interest Groups (SIGs) work to advance key areas of the engine, and the Simulation SIG focuses specifically on O3DE’s continuous development related to modeling real-world processes that evolve over time, including robotics and robotic simulations. 

If you’re interested in helping with the engine’s development, we welcome you to join us and participate!

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