Will you be at SIGGRAPH? Be sure to join the O3DE BoF Session on Monday, July 29th | SESSION DETAILS


The Build SIG oversees continuous development of O3DE related to build systems, infrastructure, automation, and installers.

Ready to contribute with like-minded community members?


  • In charge of tech for project building systems (not cmake exclusive)
  • Determine version of build tools to be used
  • Maintain guidelines on how cmake scripts are built
  • Determine and maintain build script dependencies (local or infrastructure)
  • Determine and maintain infrastructure software systems (jenkins instances, Github)
  • Determine and maintain build farms (cloud or physical server) instances that execute build system automation code
  • Determine and maintain LFS services for large asset stores
  • Determine and maintain source control systems
  • Build 3rd party gems and assemble libraries for distribution
  • Build required 3rd party library dependencies (Qt/etc)
  • Enable / disable malfunctioning build scripts and automation

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