O3DE Special Interest Groups (SIGS) are dedicated groups within the community who work to advance key areas of the engine.
Build systems, infrastructure, automation, and installers.
Editor framework, content workflows, terrain, visual and scripting languages, asset processor.
Core frameworks, behavior context, serialization, code reflection, packaging, AZCore and AZFramework.
Documentation standards, website management, community standards.
2D/3D GPU video renderer, audio renderer, AR/VR rendering, data specification mesh, material, shader, and textures.
Communication standards, cloud networking, multiplayer client / server / peer networking.
Define branch and release process / schedules, merge stabilization to release, freeze resolution
Sets the standards and practices for maintenance and development of cross-platform features
Security review and campaign, tooling and communication, security bulletins, security compliance standards.
Modeling of real-world processes that evolve over time, including physics, animation, AI, robotics, and other simulation-related topics
User interface / experience design standards, best practices, compliance validation, cross-sig consistency
Automated review and testing frameworks, pre-validation scripts, test case guidelines, define KPI and SLA for test metrics